Ticket to Where?

I’ve final­ly start­ed paint­ing, I have to have three rooms com­plete­ly paint­ed by Novem­ber because I’m get­ting floor­ing put in then. My life has been top­sy-turvy of late, very busy and alter­nat­ing between ridicu­lous­ly stress­ful and ridicu­lous­ly chill. I think it is going to take anoth­er few weeks before I know for sure where I’m head­ing for good.

I got a park­ing tick­et in Cleve­land Heights the oth­er night. The vio­la­tion was for park­ing in a no park­ing zone between 3am and 6am. The sign right above my car says, quite bla­tant­ly, no park­ing between 3:30pm and 6:30pm. I called up Cleve­land Heights and they said that there is prob­a­bly a sign at the begin­ning of the street or upon enter­ing the city that states the no park­ing ordi­nance. I’m pret­ty sure that’s a load of bull­shit, but I’m going to go check out May­field Road to make sure. Then I’ll con­test it. It is only a $10 tick­et, but Cleve­land Heights has the sort of rep­u­ta­tion for this kind of abuse of pow­er, that it is cer­tain­ly prob­a­ble that they would “acci­den­tal­ly” make out a tick­et and fig­ure the unlucky per­son will just suck it up and upchuck the 10-spot. Good thing I’m stub­born. If they’re going to waste my time, I’m hap­py to waste theirs. Besides, what kind of sense does it make to dis­al­low park­ing between 3am and 6am, it only makes sense if you think the prime time to tick­et peo­ple is when they’re the like­li­est to be asleep.

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