Not-so Altercation

I pissed off a cop today. He was sit­ting at the inter­sec­tion of West 20th and Lorain at the light and chat­ting with a car in the oth­er lane on West 20th. I was two cars back. The light turned green and they just kept talk­ing, so I honked my horn. The car in the oth­er lane got the hint and moved on, but the cop glared in his rearview mir­ror at me and wait­ed until the light turned yel­low before turn­ing out onto Lorain. The car between us also made it through the light, but I got stuck at the red. The cop pulled over on Lorain to wait for me until he real­ized that I was stuck at the red, and then drove off. I won­der what he would have tick­et­ed me for, or whether he was just going to waste my time and bitch at me for honk­ing at him.

Hey man, I was hun­gry and he was between me and the gro­cery.

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