
Watched a hunt­ing pere­grine fal­con from my office win­dow and anoth­er rap­tor, much larg­er, stopped in for an inspec­tion. Did­n’t look much like a bald eagle, but could have been a juve­nile; they don’t have the mark­ings yet. I don’t know of any oth­er siz­able birds of prey in this area.

Lost my foun­tain pen. For real this time. About 8 years ago, a moth­er­ly Christ­mas gift. It had some seri­ous sen­ti­men­tal val­ue. I could buy the same mod­el & col­or from Sta­ples, but it would­n’t be the same.

Great MetaFil­ter post on Wen­dell Berry. I’d read Fem­i­nism, the Body, and the Machine before, but he’s got a siz­able body of work and some seri­ous wis­dom on com­mu­ni­ty, envi­ron­men­tal, edu­ca­tion­al and just about any oth­er sort of atti­tude adjust­ment you might think the world needs. He’s a poet too.

I’m sched­uled to be inter­viewed by a Boston Uni­ver­si­ty jour­nal­ism grad­u­ate stu­dent this Sat­ur­day about Tremon­ter and my appar­ent sta­tus as a cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist. Tremon­ter woke up from its reg­u­lar win­ter nap this week. Nice to see.

I renewed my STOP SMILING sub­scrip­tion using the BOGO Super­fan offer they cur­rent­ly have going. Sent my cousin Heather the oth­er half. Heard from them today, they upgrad­ed my cur­rent ‘script to super­fan sta­tus just because they rule.

I want my yard, though it became too cold again for much work out there. I think all of the grass in my front is kaput, rue and lamen­ta­tion.