
$30 isn’t a suc­cess­ful yard sale. I was pret­ty crab­by that day; but that was made up for by grilling stuffed pork chops on Mon­day, mak­ing home­made green tea ice cream, and find­ing out that home ren­o­va­tions can con­tin­ue next Mon­day. I just have to get rid of all the unsold yard sale crap, the free crib that we got [sans pro­pri­etary hard­ware for assem­bly] and try to get our hands on anoth­er one via Craigslist, fin­ish clean­ing the walls, prime them, paint them, move all our crap out from the mid­sec­tion of the house for the ren­o­va­tions and find out what the hell is tak­ing my sec­ond batch of floor­ing deliv­ery so long. Still much to do.

Also, I was cat-mar­ried the oth­er night, appar­ent­ly.

I sup­pose I should explain this. Deb­o­rah was cat-mar­ried to an actu­al cat in a pre­vi­ous life [aka Bal­ti­more]. She was unaware of this at the time, but after I explained it to her, she decid­ed that she should cat-mar­ry me as well. I guess she’s a cat bigamist.

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