
So Deb­bie calls me yes­ter­day from the hos­pi­tal. A kid fell on her and the kid. Or, to be pre­cise, a kid pushed a kid right into her bel­ly. I’d nev­er rid­den my bike home so quick­ly, and rolled out to Huron hos­pi­tal to find out that every­thing was okay. So we sat starv­ing [not allowed to eat!] until they let us go. Had sushi to recu­per­ate, but this week has been mad­ness in the evenings, resched­uled appoint­ments, and hos­pi­tal unex­pect­ed­ness result­ed in me tak­ing the day off of work today to try to keep the house togeth­er.

I got the veg­etable gar­den start­ed. Or, more pre­cise­ly, I got the row of toma­toes plant­ed. Straight­ened the house, put­tered in the yard, did the laun­dry. Almost ready for the garage sale tomor­row. So much to do.