So appar­ent­ly the Toad­ies are back togeth­er sans Lisa Umbarg­er on bass. They had a new album called No Deliv­er­ance come out on August 19, and they are going to play the Grog Shop on on Octo­ber 15. I am so there. The first and last time I saw them was right before their breakup, I was in the front row of Bog­a­rt’s in Cincin­nati with my best buds from high school and I sang along to every song. We wait­ed out back for them to show after the set, and I got their auto­graphs.

The only ques­tion regard­ing this upcom­ing show is whether I final­ly suc­cumb and be That Guy™ in my orig­i­nal Toad­ies t‑shirt, or I wear my tra­di­tion­al The Boss­es You Lose and see if Reznicek remem­bers it from 8 years ago, when he asked me about it after won­der­ing what the fuck it meant dur­ing their set.

Abra­ham now makes big frowny faces for about three sec­onds imme­di­ate­ly after I smooch him.