Music Nazi

This may come as a sur­prise, but I’m a bit of a pole-in-the-ass orga­niz­ing nazi. I’ve spent over the last year slow­ly tag­ging my music col­lec­tion. Way back in the day I used RealJuke­box as my media play­er of choice, it was basi­cal­ly iTunes before iTunes exist­ed. The thing I liked best about RealJuke­box was the abil­i­ty to give rat­ings to the songs you liked and build playlists that paid atten­tion to those rank­ings.

Yes­ter­day I man­aged to fin­ish rat­ing every song in my library and can just let my smart playlists deter­mine what gets shunt­ed over onto my shuf­fle. I still need to get the release year for many of the songs, and the lyrics for all of them added, but thank­ful­ly I have a pro­gram that will do most of that for me.

My dig­i­tal music col­lec­tion is in tip-top shape, I end­ed up delet­ing much of my Bowie col­lec­tion, I still have the discs, but the only stuff I ever lis­ten to is Zig­gy Stardust/Diamond Dogs era. Now all I need to do is track down a good record play­er and get some decent speak­ers for my phys­i­cal music col­lec­tion. Too bad Play it Again Sam closed down.

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