I have this ridicu­lous idea for a gim­mick restau­rant. This is not the hos­tile takeover of Grumpy’s in which every­thing with “cajun spice” would be removed from the menu (which would allow us to basi­cal­ly write a whole new menu), all wait staff would be forced to wear flo­ral print aprons and the place would be renamed Frumpy’s. No, this idea is even bet­ter.

The place would be called The WTF BBQ. It would serve trompe-l’œil food. Mex­i­can spaghet­ti made with corn noo­dles, chori­zo meat­balls and chipo­tle toma­to sauce. Mediter­ranean tacos made with kibbee and fat­toush. The pulled pork is fish. Cheese­burg­er piz­za. You get the idea.

I am a genius.

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