a lateral bone knobbled ends akimbo space enough for dog's mouth split or shatter a tenon pulled hunger constructor bearer pushed weight shudder a dragged last audacity forms aldehydes of sweat flaring to nosedove a burst spread eye absorbed from the girded light ray a new last push begun mythic stickened daughters apply arithmetic each tick flips to new form the cannon of cellular automata the cacophonic blast torrent awash awash its noise unships slowly into rank at last a sense can a hand exists to grasp toward for the first creation of mountains formed from the teat-milk of a dead world androgyne refined the sky wheeled and now imagined a purse with one coin removed one coin remains removed yet one coin abides watch wide-eyed but at some point attention shifts from coininpurse to coininhand the shift is a glorious traitor it sneaks between neurons with its hands pocketed and no footprints it isn't wherever attention is it is the empty space in the head labeled wonder it is the fifth spot at the table it is the friend who never returns calls it is the beam you cannot look upon the beam you can only look along in a darkening woodshed the last light for blind eyes the unmeasurable gap between order the unsensible primordial reverberation call it the space between thoughts call it ignorance call it science call it a shell game call it magic call it what you will.