Serpent Mound & Other Southern Ohio Archeology

Last Octo­ber I took a long week­end and vis­it­ed a few arche­o­log­i­cal sites around South­ern Ohio. I went by myself, and I’m glad I did, because I don’t think any­one I know would have enjoyed the mod­est rem­nants of past peo­ples with the same lev­el of won­der and imag­i­na­tion that is built in to my psy­che. I did­n’t get an anthro­pol­o­gy degree for no rea­son. Even though I don’t use it in any offi­cial capac­i­ty, that learn­ing still informs my day to day.

South­ern Ohio was very much like a shuf­fled mir­ror world of South-east­ern Indi­ana. There are Fayette Coun­ties and Green­fields in both. There are tiny aban­doned cross­road build­ings with small rusty signs from the 1960s and 1970s. Every dou­ble-wide has a few weed-shroud­ed rust­ed out cars along the verge of the coun­ty road. It was very much like dig­ging up and exam­in­ing my child­hood.

Ser­pent Mound, the oth­er mounds in the area, and the pet­ro­glyphs I vis­it­ed were touch­ing; and I would also say, at least for me; holy. As some­one who has, in one way or anoth­er, spent a life­time seek­ing a fair and hon­or­able way to con­nect with/align to the his­to­ry of the land that has shaped me, see­ing the way that the ancients shaped the land in such gen­tle and ephemer­al ways gave me a mod­er­at­ed sense of peace with this jour­ney.