There was a Metafil­ter meet­up this Sat­ur­day over on the east side. There was a grand total of 3 of us there, which is about what I expect­ed judg­ing from the num­ber of MeFis near­by. It was pret­ty laid back. I sor­ta felt like I was talk­ing too much but I sup­pose if I real­ly think about it, I’m prob­a­bly always talk­ing too much. We start­ed out at Ara­bi­ca on the CWRU cam­pus and then went to this place called the Bark­ing Spi­der which was about 20 feet from Ara­bi­ca. I had a Wood­chuck­’s there and then we went to the Falafel Cafe where a very ami­able Greek man hooked my up with a hum­mus and kaf­ta plat­ter that was real­ly good. The por­tion was large as well, so I had the left­overs yes­ter­day. I stuck the last chunk of kaf­ta in with a bunch of hum­mus and the left­over let­tuce and toma­to, dou­ble wrapped it in pita and stuck it in the oven for a few min­utes. It was crun­chi­ly deli­cious when I took it out.

After the Falafel cafe we went to Gilly’s donut place in lit­tle Italy, which had real­ly good crullers, despite the fact that they were yeast donuts instead of cake donuts. The more I vis­it the East side the more I like it. After walk­ing back through Lit­tle Italy, I left my fel­low MeFiers who were going to check out a jazz club and came home. Oth­er than that my week­end was super­mun­dane.