I went to the Cavs/Knicks game last evening with Liam and Anne, and Amy. This was my first time actu­al­ly being present at pro­fes­sion­al bas­ket­ball game. We bought the tix from a scalper for 20 bucks a pop [they were reg­u­lar priced at $65] and I am sure glad I did­n’t pay full price. The game was pret­ty bor­ing. I’m not one for sport­ing events [excep­tions being hock­ey and base­ball, but the lat­ter more for being out­side than any oth­er rea­son]. LeBron has a meh night, and I was root­ing for the Knicks any­way. They pret­ty much stopped play­ing mid­way through the sec­ond quar­ter. Pro­fes­sion­al bas­ket­ball needs some rerul­ing and dis­ci­pline. Every­thing looked lazy last night and since it only takes three steps for a play­er to get from one end of the floor to air­borne at the goal, noth­ing real­ly hap­pens. Of course, the Cavs and Knicks both blow. Per­haps that has some­thing to do with it. This is the most action packed shot I took. The adver­tise­ment along the far side says it all.
