cleve­land has been good for the muse. in the approx­i­mate month i have been here i have writ­ten around 5 poems and have jot­ted down a ridicu­lous amount of ran­dom things that sound cool. words have begun to lose their mean­ings for me again, and this is most def­i­nite­ly good, because i’ve to remem­ber what i want them to mean. which does­nt make any sense and does­nt real­ly need to. ive also been o’er­whelmed with new musi­cal inputs. i stream my always and for­ev­er favorite radio sta­tion 97X WOXY from Oxford, Ohio and write down the ran­dom names of ran­dom bands that rok in ran­dom ways.

i have also dis­cov­ered sev­er­al peo­ple who are great sources for said input. im wal­low­ing like a pig in shit.