1. I ran my car into a tree.
2. WCSB is a hel­lu­va good col­lege radio sta­tion. They stream too.
3. Come hell or high water, Glazen Cre­ative will hire me.

Believe it or not all of these are relat­ed.

I was dri­ving my reel to Glazen and lis­ten­ing to WCSB as I was exit­ing I‑90 toward East 9th Street. I was brak­ing around on the ramp when instead of anti-lock­ing, as they are wont to do, my brakes anti-anti-locked i spun 90 degrees, slid toward the edge of the road and when I hit dirt I slammed on the brakes and swung the wheel, putting me back on course, albeit on the grass embank­ment. My for­ward momen­tum suc­cess­ful­ly dis­tract­ed, my car mere­ly slid down a bit and hit a tree. A small tree.

The net result, a ding on the side of my car, and align­ment knocked out from here to the Less­er Mag­el­lan­ic Cloud.

Its a good thing this is the right time of year to be a Scor­pio.
Its also a good thing I had a chat with Jeho­vah this morn­ing.
I don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly know if it is a good thing or not, but my pact with the legions of hell might of had some­thing to do with it as well.