I made veg­an snick­er­doo­dles last night. I used this recipe. Although they did­n’t turn out as tasty as clas­sic snick­er­doo­dles, they are still good. The recipe itself could use a lit­tle work. The ingre­di­ents list says bak­ing pow­der, but the direc­tions say bak­ing soda [I used the soda], and it makes about 2 dozen cook­ies, not 2½. It also says use 3T of dough for each cook­ie, which makes gigan­tic cook­ies, I used about 1½T for each cook­ie. The first batch I made were too sug­ary, so I cut it down by ¼C in the sec­ond batch. The taste was bet­ter, but the con­sis­ten­cy was a bit too floury. If I make them again, I’ll cut both the sug­ar and the flour by ¼C.

I’ve nev­er made any veg­an chow before, but I’m under the impres­sion that these prob­lems are prob­a­bly pret­ty com­mon when bak­ing with­out eggs and milk. Corn starch has to take the place of the egg, but it does­n’t behave the same in the mix.