I made ribs for the first time yes­ter­day. They were on sale for $1.99# at Dav­e’s last month so I picked up a pack and planned on invit­ing some folks over when I final­ly cooked them. I called up my uncle, the fam­i­ly grill­mas­ter, and asked for advice. Since I don’t have the hi-tech grill that he does, I was unable to cook them for six hours, but the rest of his advice helped. He told me to mari­nade them in half Ital­ian dress­ing and half vine­gar for about 24 hours to ten­der­ize and suck some of the fat from the meat. This worked very well. I bought the cheap­est BBQ sauce I could find, but sup­ple­ment­ed it with Cajun sea­son­ing and cooked the ribs on my ket­tle grill for about 2.5 hours. I flipped and repaint­ed them with sauce when­ev­er there was a com­mer­cial break dur­ing the Notre Dame game. They were deli­cious, but I for­got to take a pic­ture of them. It is prob­a­bly going to take 2.5 hours for me to clean my grill today.