I was furi­ous after Notre Dame lost to Michi­gan State in over­time. That was the fifth con­sec­u­tive time that MSU has beat­en us at home. I imme­di­ate­ly fun­neled my rage into cook­ing a new and sim­ple recipe, Corn Frit­ters and Broiled Toma­toes. You need:

• 1 corn on the cob
• 3/4 C. flour
• 1 egg
• milk
• 2 toma­toes
• olive oil
• 1 clove gar­lic, crushed
• basil, oregano, salt and pep­per to taste

Cut the corn off the cob and chuck it into some boil­ing water until it has boiled for three min­utes, drain and rinse in cold water to cool the corn quick­ly. Pre­heat the broil­er. Cut the toma­toes in half, hor­i­zon­tal­ly, and score the cut parts with a knife a few times. Rub the crushed gar­lic and oregano into the toma­to and sea­son with salt and pep­per. Driz­zle a bit of olive oil on ’em and stick ’em under the broil­er until the tops brown. Make a well in the flour and crack the egg into it. Beat it with a fork and add milk until it is drop dough con­sis­ten­cy, mix in the corn. Mash. [The cook­book did­n’t say mash, which is why the frit­ters kin­da sucked]. Heat up olive oil in a large flat pan and drop the corn mix­ture into it, heat­ing just long enough to set each side [should look orangey] set on paper tow­el to drain. Gar­nish with basil and serve with let­tuce.

This recipe, though sort of plain, is full of pos­si­bil­i­ties. Cheese can be added to the pan­cake-like frit­ters, or they could even be eat­en in the morn­ing as a refresh­ing break­fast. Per­son­al­ly, I think they’d be real good reheat­ed in the toast­er and with a bowl of cere­al. Plus, this recipe was total­ly easy to make. Less than ten min­utes, if you work like a hyper­ac­tive squir­rel.

Link of the Day: Bee­Dogs- Dogs in Bee cos­tumes.