I had a small din­ner par­ty on Sat­ur­day night. It suc­cess­ful­ly broke in my new­ly refin­ished table. I served a Lemon, Leek and Mush­room Risot­to with Red Onion and Goat Cheese Pas­tries and Baked Apples for dessert. Wines served were Trim­bach Alsa­cian Gewurtz­tramein­er, Cay­mus Conun­drum and Wood­bridge Pinot Gri­gio. I real­ly liked the risot­to, I’m going to have to make it with fish in the future. The recipes came from this book, which turned out to be an awe­some sur­prise Christ­mas gift from my mom. Recipes past the jump.