Category: Food
Reviews of restaurants and kitchen mishaps.
Reason number 64 why Connersville sucks. It is a whiskey town. I stopped at 3 liquor stores in search of my alcohol of choice: Stolichnaya vodka. none of them had it. Absolut is the “high quality” vodka. however, if you can think of an obscure brand of whiskey they had it, in all its varieties. literally 75% of one store’s stock of hard alcohol was whiskey. I found a lonely bottle of Captain Morgan’s with which to make cream sodas.
Cream Soda recipe:
1 part spiced rum
3 parts sprite
its damn sweet for an alcoholic beverage but damn good too.
I got my new spectacles today. they are totally rimless and totally awesome. I’m pretty sure they are made from Rearden Metal, even though they call it Flexon. the only unfinished business i have now is packing.
and i still want my Stoli.