DSC02222 I made this quick and sim­ple pas­ta with a bit of a kick last week and made it again because it is so quick and deli­cious. I high­ly rec­om­mend it and it is also good for the heart, blood and immune sys­tem. The meal might not con­tain any of the 8 foods you should eat every day, but it does well enough. I black­ened some wall­eye along with it and had a bit of chardon­nay as well, so the entire meal was about as quick, deli­cious and high­fa­lutin as it is pos­si­ble.

  • 3 C. gnoc­chi
  • 11 oz. broc­coli flo­rets
  • 6 T. olive oil
  • 3 gar­lic cloves, crushed
  • 1 t. chili oil
  • 1 12–14oz can arti­choke hearts, drained
  • salt and fresh­ly ground pep­per
  • 1 T. fresh Ital­ian pars­ley, chopped [gar­nish]
  • grat­ed Parme­san to taste
  1. Cook the pas­ta in a large saucepan of boil­ing salt­ed water until the gnoc­chi is al dente. Add the broc­coli for the last 3 min­utes, then drain.
  2. Mean­while, heat the olive oil and chili oil in a large heavy-based saucepan and sauté the gar­lic for 1 minute.
  3. Add the pas­ta, broc­coli, and arti­choke hearts and cook for 2 min­utes until hot.
  4. Sea­son and sprin­kle with pars­ley and Parme­san.
  5. Chow down.