ChumI was at Edis­on’s last night for some great music. First off was Blisse Anony­on Atu from a redi­rect­ed show at Vis­i­ble Voice Books. It was just her, an iPod with her tracks on it, and an effects machine. The result was an ethe­re­al bit of indie-elec­tron­i­ca, dan­cy and lan­guid at the same time. The only down side was that her set was too short.

Chum was next. I asked if it was Chum like friend, Chum like fish, or Chum like buck­et of shark bait, but no one real­ly knew. Shawn Flow­ers bangs on the drums all day and has a dis­tinct, intent singing style that hangs above their wall of sound. I got their Typhoid Mary EP awhile back. It’s good

The Very Knees I missed most of Akron-based The Library is on Fire’s set, but what I heard from the back room sound­ed like sol­id rock-mak­ing with a healthy dose of cre­ative com­plex­i­ty.

The Very Knees released their sin­gle “Poor Pour Moi” a few weeks ago and played a great show last night. They’ve got an amaz­ing­ly ver­sa­tile sound for being a two man gui­tar-drum com­bo. Great to rock out too. Punk isn’t dead yet.

I suck at music reviews. I just know I like it.