I went to a sparse­ly attend­ed but good show at Pat’s in the Flats last night. Three NYC bands played for an audi­ence of about 7 folks, while every­thing wrapped up in about three hours, it was a good time.

The first group was The Two Man Gen­tle­men Band; a ban­jo, a bass, a rhythm boot and two kazoos with the occas­sion­al snare thrown in. They played most­ly tra­di­tion­al songs, not a whole lot of their self-writ­ten stuff, but I still bought a CD. I liked their old-timey fla­vor; a back­woods decade-pre­vi­ous cousin to The Scar­ring Par­ty’s neo-30s feel. They were also great to talk to after the set. You can down­load a few of their songs here and here. Here is a video of them play­ing one of my favorite songs: Sum­mer­time.

The Defibu­la­tors played next, self-described as Hee Haw on Mesca­line and extreme­ly per­son­able. About half rock­a­bil­ly and half blue­grass, lis­ten­ing to them was a foot thump­ing good time. You can give ’em a lis­ten here and here. Or you can watch my video of them play­ing the song Dum-Dum.

Andy Fried­man and the Oth­er Fail­ures pol­ished off the evening. The Oth­er Fail­ures con­sist­ed of The Two Man Gen­tle­men Band and The Defibu­la­tors, and pro­vid­ed back-up for Fried­man’s citi­fied coun­try-folk sound. I did take some video of him doing some talk­ing blues, but for some rea­son the sound qual­i­ty was ter­ri­ble, so there real­ly was­n’t a point in post­ing it.