DSC00986I went to the Grog Shop last night to see my friend’s band Humphry Clink­er and Tim Fite and Taran­tu­la A.D. and drink a few New­castle’s. HC put on a good show, but the sur­prise of the evening for me was Tim Fite. He’s got a pas­sion­ate South­ern feel to his music, a bit of twangy Appalachi­an and a great sense for enter­tain­ing and get­ting the audi­ence involved. They also had some visu­al aid stuff going on from “the gen­tle­man with itchy legs” which was very good, art­work and video of Tim play­ing the instru­ments while he played the instru­ments live. I rec­om­mend going to his MySpace page and lis­ten­ing to Away from the Snakes and No Good Here or go to his actu­al site and grab the songs shared there.

Taran­tu­la A.D. was anoth­er band with a dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent sound that would tour well with Rasputi­na or Tool or Sig­ur Ros or GYBE. It did­n’t look like they had any merch, but you can get a sam­ple at their site.

Excel­lent enter­tain­ment for only $8 plus beer.