Well, it is def­i­nite­ly the cold air that makes my right knee wig out. Today was the first real­ly cold day I’ve had to run in since the last time my knee hurt, and it start­ed hurt­ing again. I don’t under­stand why it is my right knee though. The left one is the one that has been dis­lo­cat­ed twice and is arthrit­ic. My calf also felt like a Gor­dian knot, so I end­ed up walk­ing the last half mile for fear that run­ning would cause me to pull a mus­cle. I hope my body adjusts soon, because now the work­outs are going to become much more chal­leng­ing. I want to be able to keep up. I hope I have decent weath­er for the 9 mil­er this Sat­ur­day. If pre­vi­ous Sat­ur­days are any indi­ca­tion though, it will be windy and rainy. Look­ing at the fore­cast seems to indi­cate that this trend will per­sist.