Stray DogI found this dog at the end of my run today. I had to take her to the APL but tomor­row she’ll go to the Cleve­land Ken­nel. They euth­a­nize the ani­mals after three days so hope­ful­ly this pooch’s own­er will call in and pick it up. It was the scrawni­est, smelli­est, ugli­est chi­huahua mix that I’ve ever seen but the hour I had it was a won­der­ful one. I hon­est­ly don’t think she would have sur­vived three more days in the wild.

My run went well, although my right knee start­ed act­ing up again after the run. I real­ly like this train­ing pro­gram, because the dif­fi­cul­ty sneaks up on you after a few weeks. The weath­er was great for run­ning today.