The weath­er got crap­py today, so I was run­ning in a light rain/snow mix. I took it easy but my right leg start­ed to seize up on me just after the two mile mark, so I walked the rest of the dis­tance and tried to get the leg loos­ened. I think basi­cal­ly what is hap­pen­ing is that I’ve been tear­ing the mus­cles in my quads too much too soon, with­out enough recov­ery time, so instead of get­ting stronger they’ve been get­ting hurter. Fri­day is a day off though, in prepa­ra­tion for a 6 mile run on Sat­ur­day, and even toward the end of last evening I could feel the quads knit­ting back togeth­er. I think the can of tunafish that I ate helped out with that a bit. I need to fig­ure out some oth­er routes for strange dis­tances like 4 miles and 7 miles. Since my typ­i­cal loop is exact­ly 5k, I’ve not done a lot of exper­i­ment­ing else­where. There is a nice, long, low-traf­fic road that runs par­al­lel to the Inter­state that I think will offer some good train­ing ter­rain.