Category: Journal
DaiÂly life.
🙂 i got a kiss 🙂 howÂevÂer i am also leavÂing today for the NCAA fencÂing chamÂpiÂonship at Drew UniÂverÂsiÂty in New JerÂsey. I won’t be back till MonÂday someÂtime. roadÂtrips are great espeÂcialÂly since i’ll have a DVcam with which to docÂuÂment and then creÂate a cool thingy on the tourÂnaÂment. Go Irish FencÂing! i’m ridÂing on a high sevÂerÂal degrees of magÂniÂtude largÂer than anyÂthing i have seen in quite a while. i sense some major poetÂics coming…uh oh. peace out y’all and keep on doin’ it right. (whatÂevÂer that means). hapÂpy springÂtime everyÂone!