i had one of those dreams last night where noth­ing and no one exists unless your dream per­sona thinks about it. I call these dreams when I have them Causal Deity Phan­tasies. Actu­al­ly i just made that up now but it still works. i’m basi­cal­ly a causal­i­ty god in these dreams and my dream­con­cious deci­sions become dream­tan­gi­ble.

so my dream: i was at my house, a dream­con­struc­tion of the house i live in. except it is not a house i’ve ever seen before. its real­ly long and nar­row and made of stuc­co. the only win­dows are real­ly high up and there is a low run of bush­es around it. my dri­ve­way is split long­ways into half dri­ve and half inground swim­ming dream­pool. and i’m swim­ming naked in this pool. then i real­ize that the i’m skin­ny dip­ping in plain view of all of my neigh­bors. or would be if there were any­one around. it is dead silent apart from my own watery chops and plash­es. the world is also full of that even mild yel­low dream­light.

the hous­es across the street don’t mat­ter. i’ve one to either side of mine own and one to the back. fac­ing my split drive/pool to the right is a 2‑story Typ­i­cal 1950 Fam­i­ly Dwelling™ in it lives this man. behind me in a chain-linked fenced in yard is a ranch style house. lives here. to the left is a weed-filled yard and a duplex. lives in the side clos­est to me. the oth­er half of the duplex does­n’t mat­ter.

i walk to the back­yard, ful­ly clothed as sud­den­ly as only dream­me­an­der­ing can do. a mid-sized dog barks itself wild try­ing to scare me. a pinky­blue ball bounces across my yard. there is wind.

the dream ends. inter­pret please.