
  • $110 will get you approx­i­mate­ly 250 items of sec­ond­hand baby clothes. No one needs to buy us any­thing resem­bling a baby cloth for at least the next 9 months.
  • The Bob­by web­site acces­si­bil­i­ty val­ida­tor is no longer avail­able online. It is now bun­dled into a piece of IBM soft­ware for pur­chase only. This makes it hard­er, not eas­i­er, for web design­ers to build acces­si­ble web­sites.
  • It is faster to ride RTA down­town than dri­ve, since the E 9th and Euclid inter­sec­tion snarls every­thing up. It is actu­al­ly faster to exit on E 22nd Street and back­track.
  • No one is used to the bus lanes yet, they’re being used as right turn lanes, which fur­ther snarls traf­fic.
  • After 3 years of pay­ing my con­sol­i­dat­ed col­lege loans on time, I just received at 1% reduc­tion in the inter­est rate. Now it is at 2.375%, which is awe­some. I can pay it off faster now.