I choose you, cli­mate change!

If wars are about resource scarci­ty and pop­u­la­tion pres­sure, the com­ing ones are going to be about resource scarci­ty and pop­u­la­tion pres­sure due to cli­mate change. If I had to choose one thing to blame for the bifur­ca­tion in our pol­i­tics, anthro­pogenic cli­mate change is it, even though I don’t think most peo­ple even know it’s mak­ing their skin crawl. Our inces­sant gnarly cack­le chat­ter­ing rep­re­sents our col­lec­tive inabil­i­ty to under­stand the scope of how we’ve changed the plan­et over the last 200 years — so instead we have internecine iden­ti­ty fights or xeno­pho­bic iden­ti­ty fights because it’s eas­i­er to point and screech and slap the ground at some­thing our size than com­pre­hend the huge lift that fix­ing Ter­ra’s shit will take.

I had a depress­ing con­ver­sa­tion with my son the oth­er night while we were snug­gling. I told him that I think it’s his gen­er­a­tion that will have to save the plan­et — because Baby Boomers could­n’t care less and Gen-Xers & Mil­len­ni­als are just try­ing to hold the line against their rapac­i­ty.

He just said: “I know.” and held my hand.