Category: Journal
Daily life.
Today was one where the earth gives up the ghost. Waking with aching bones. Thaw fog heavy in the afternoon. This used to be an early spring thing of rarity, but climate change may mean many a winter now. I took myself to Le Petit Triangle for lunch, a cassoulet kind of day. A hunk of roast duck, white beans and white pepper, cooling coffee.
Last night I went to hear some poetry and had a “Mediterranean Bowl” which ended up being a $13 hummus tub with detritus scattered atop. 3 Old Fashioneds & texting increasingly tortured and crass puns about the name of the event with Little Sister salvaged the evening.
Tonight required more delicacy. I’d say the hardest part of being a single parent is not having another adult around to run interference. Cooking dinner while trying to help & encourage my kid to do some hated homework and not stress him out and not get stressed out myself. We’re both trying to do better. When we get in that same team groove, I swear we could conquer the goddamn world in an afternoon if we decided that would be fun. At odds though, and we’ll burn the whole thing down just to out-stubborn each other. The Crucial Conversations training I had a few years ago is so helpful here. It’s definitely helped me approximate humanity with greater accuracy.