Category: Personal
Stuff that’s all about me.
I choose you, climate change!
If wars are about resource scarcity and population pressure, the coming ones are going to be about resource scarcity and population pressure due to climate change. If I had to choose one thing to blame for the bifurcation in our politics, anthropogenic climate change is it, even though I don’t think most people even know it’s making their skin crawl. Our incessant gnarly cackle chattering represents our collective inability to understand the scope of how we’ve changed the planet over the last 200 years — so instead we have internecine identity fights or xenophobic identity fights because it’s easier to point and screech and slap the ground at something our size than comprehend the huge lift that fixing Terra’s shit will take.
I had a depressing conversation with my son the other night while we were snuggling. I told him that I think it’s his generation that will have to save the planet — because Baby Boomers couldn’t care less and Gen-Xers & Millennials are just trying to hold the line against their rapacity.
He just said: “I know.” and held my hand.