Category: Personal
Stuff that’s all about me.
6.11.02 downloading bitch session.… .… .…
i keep losing sight of why i do this. i keep trying to do it for you whoever the hell you are, when in fact it is me who needs this place. i try to fulfill what i think your expectations of me could be. i shouldn’t do this; i don’t want your expectations. in fact, you should have no expectations of me whatsoever. whatever your expectations of me might be, they are fundamentally wrong and will only leave you disappointed when i do not fulfill them.
i will not be told what to write and i will not tell myself what to write i will just write. the only comments i want should relate to what is written, not the person writing them. do not analyze me, call me immature, tell me that i am stupid or anything that such as that. perhaps you could possibly relate instances of your own experience that might enlighten instead of casting blanket judgements upon me. perhaps you could play along. but stop criticizing me for what i put here. know your role. i refuse to single out people for my shotgunning because it just makes more people whine. if you have a problem with me and feel obligated to voice it here just know that i am declaring open season on anyone who bitches about me, and that rod up your ass won’t help you one bit once i get fired up.
end bitch session.… .… .…
Heathen is David Bowie completely without affect. it isn’t terribly excellent or particularly impressive but it has a sort of poignant, nostalgic quality, and overall improvement on hours…
i made an icon for my own site for anyone who would want to link to me. it doesn’t really matter though, i just made it to take up some time while i worked my shift in COBA. concerted efforts are being made to become the natural adam i think a hermitage might be the best shot. no more hits from the military. they probably decided i am harmless. i am harmless.
what has four wheels and flies?