6.11.02 down­load­ing bitch ses­sion.… .… .…

i keep los­ing sight of why i do this. i keep try­ing to do it for you who­ev­er the hell you are, when in fact it is me who needs this place. i try to ful­fill what i think your expec­ta­tions of me could be. i should­n’t do this; i don’t want your expec­ta­tions. in fact, you should have no expec­ta­tions of me what­so­ev­er. what­ev­er your expec­ta­tions of me might be, they are fun­da­men­tal­ly wrong and will only leave you dis­ap­point­ed when i do not ful­fill them.

i will not be told what to write and i will not tell myself what to write i will just write. the only com­ments i want should relate to what is writ­ten, not the per­son writ­ing them. do not ana­lyze me, call me imma­ture, tell me that i am stu­pid or any­thing that such as that. per­haps you could pos­si­bly relate instances of your own expe­ri­ence that might enlight­en instead of cast­ing blan­ket judge­ments upon me. per­haps you could play along. but stop crit­i­ciz­ing me for what i put here. know your role. i refuse to sin­gle out peo­ple for my shot­gun­ning because it just makes more peo­ple whine. if you have a prob­lem with me and feel oblig­at­ed to voice it here just know that i am declar­ing open sea­son on any­one who bitch­es about me, and that rod up your ass won’t help you one bit once i get fired up.

end bitch ses­sion.… .… .…

Hea­then is David Bowie com­plete­ly with­out affect. it isn’t ter­ri­bly excel­lent or par­tic­u­lar­ly impres­sive but it has a sort of poignant, nos­tal­gic qual­i­ty, and over­all improve­ment on hours…

i made an icon for my own site for any­one who would want to link to me. it does­n’t real­ly mat­ter though, i just made it to take up some time while i worked my shift in COBA. con­cert­ed efforts are being made to become the nat­ur­al adam i think a her­mitage might be the best shot. no more hits from the mil­i­tary. they prob­a­bly decid­ed i am harm­less. i am harm­less.

what has four wheels and flies?