6.10.02 LATE NIGHT UPDATE: 11:27pm

i am sick and tired of angstrid­den its the world against me bad par­ent blam­ing ven­om filled pseu­do inten­sive kill you all rap met­al. while lis­ten­ing to the radio on my shift i decid­ed to lis­ten to the Bear (con­tem­po­rary rock) instead of WAOR (clas­sic rock). bad deci­sion. after three of the afore­men­tioned songs in a row i had to change it. you would think there are only so many songs you can sing about being mis­un­der­stood and reject­ed by the ‘rents before peo­ple would get tired of hear­ing them. i think that it has got­ten to the point where it is cool to say you have shit­heads for par­ents. what a load of bung. i bet half of the peo­ple that are cre­at­ing this sub­cul­ture live in nice sub­ur­ban homes with ‘rents that don’t suck. they man­u­fac­ture their angst just like the bands they lis­ten to man­u­fac­ture their songs. its just anoth­er form of con­form­ing to a set char­ac­ter type. that is why i rec­om­mend­ed andrew w.k. he does­n’t place blame but is out liv­ing life and hav­ing a blast and is still met­al. and a bet­ter met­tle than rap met­al.


i fin­ished ham­let last night. twas a good play. yet ere it end­ed i real­ized shake­speare was going to kill every­one. so let it be writ­ten so let it be done. bod­ies every­where. i also nev­er talked about Sun Tzu. the art of war was very good. many of the axioms were straight­for­ward, sim­ple, and obvi­ous, but if you do not take the time to recall them they are also easy to neglect. who knows, maybe my chess game will improve. i chat­ted with jere­my about build­ing myself a com­put­er. he said it is pos­si­ble to con­struct a rel­a­tive­ly high-end sys­tem for about 500 bones not includ­ing soft­ware and such. i want to do that, i also want some new spec­ta­cles, but i also NEED to pay for col­lege.

Hea­then comes out in stores tomor­row. buy it. i got anoth­er hit from the us mil­i­tary last night. i won­der if they are keep­ing tabs on the net and search­ing for words like ter­ror­ism, osama bin laden, arab, afghanistan, chee­tos, nuclear, us mil­i­tary, Tin­ky­Winky, Psy­duck, bomb, and teabag. if so i’ll prob­a­bly get anoth­er hit from them since i just men­tioned all those words.

maybe i am just para­noid from all of the ille­gal mar­i­jua­na i have been grow­ing out­side my win­dow and sell­ing to under­age girls in return for their bar­bi­es which i then muti­late and throw into the toi­let. (i think i actu­al­ly did do that to a doll once when i was a child). every­thing else in this para­graph has been a lie.