6.1.02 INT. SIEGFRIED HALL RM 450 9:10am DAY

today i work my first shift as a hall clerk in Knott Hall from 1–8 i expect to be bored out of my mind. in oth­er news i am going to order tix to see my idol David Bowie this august in chica­go, it is going to be tran­scen­den­tal.

any­way, a friend of mine need­ed to talk to me yes­ter­day. only here for a few weeks, she has already been sub­ject­ed to 2 dif­fer­ent occa­sions of typ­i­cal Notre Dame male hookup strate­gies. need­less to say, she was a bit dis­turbed about the whole sit­u­a­tion and need­ed me to tell her that its quite alright to feel weird­ed out when a guy just ran­dom­ly kiss­es you. see­ing it hap­pen to some­one only here for a brief time (prob­a­bly con­sid­ered the per­fect sit­u­a­tion for the typ­i­cal ND male) justs dis­gusts me even more. Notre Dame is not a healthy place. she is strong enough and smart enough to take care of her­self in the sit­u­a­tions described above, but i hate to see that hap­pen to any­one. stu­pid peo­ple.

the oth­er day i fed two squir­rels, three chip­munks, and a male and female car­di­nal, two ducks and anoth­er chip­munk in a 45 minute span. i guess all of God’s crit­ters like peanuts. one of the squir­rels ate out of my hand but the oth­er was too ner­vous. the chip­munks came sur­pris­ing­ly close as well and it was fun­ny watch­ing them romp about with their cheeks stuffed full of nuts. the female duck (hen?) also ate out of my hand while the drake quacked nervously/angrily behind her…that is a rela­tion­ship on the rocks…