Pow­er cor­rupts because it is so dif­fi­cult to obtain. When some­one has strug­gled to gain pow­er and final­ly suc­ceeds, they often spend the rest of their time try­ing to hold on to it. What can get lost in the shuf­fle is the rea­son for seek­ing pow­er. Iron­i­cal­ly, pow­er as a means to its own end is impo­tent on a per­son­al lev­el because it is based on exter­nal con­trol.

Empow­er­ment, on the oth­er hand, is not for its own sake, main­tains its strength from inside itself and is obtain­able by every­one. The abil­i­ty to be, with­out strug­gle, with­out con­text, is to be empow­ered. Then you can do any­thing.