5.28.02 EXT. NORTH QUAD 4–6pm yes­ter­DAY

yes­ter­day was sur­pris­ing­ly enjoy­able. i went and lay out in the sun for a cou­ple of hours and when i woke up there was a pret­ty girl lay­ing about ten feet away from me. SHE struck up a con­ver­sa­tion with ME! then lat­er on i was play­ing fris­bee golf with seth and ANOTHER pret­ty girl asked to join in. what hap­pens here dur­ing the sum­mer? any­way fris­bee golf was real­ly fun.


after surf­ing the net for 3 hours i decid­ed to con­tin­ue read­ing A Clock­work Orange which is a pret­ty black com­e­dy once you get used to the slang. The Book of Five Rings was inter­est­ing and needs con­tin­u­ing reflec­tion and prac­tice, until i will under­stand it.

i’m tired of writ­ing about the minis­cule details of my life and would much rather dis­cuss deep philo­soph­i­cal things, but right now it is pour­ing down rain and the sun is shin­ing at the same time. why pon­der the mys­ter­ies of life when you can just watch it flow before you. i love rain.