Tag: css3
Well, I’ve got a new design up, finally. Doesn’t look too much different on the face. Most of the changes are behind the scenes, HTML5 and CSS3. If you’ve got the right browser, you might see some cool fonts and other stuff. As usual, it ain’t complete, if I ever get around to it some other coolness might appear.
Well, it figures, some stuff isn’t working correctly that worked just fine on my development box. Switched back to the old design until I can figure it out.
Well, I finally figured out the bugs. @font-face should be working now, I’m using Greyscale and Midiet. The whole design is coded in HTML5, and I was using every CSS3 bell and whistle just for practice but ended up ripping most of them out. I plan on making a few more updates and to conduct an audit of all my posts, to clean them up, but that process will take even longer than it did for me to come up with a new design.