Gen­er­al­iza­tion: Every­one in this world has seen or knows some­one that they find so amaz­ing­ly attrac­tive in all ways that it hurts to be in their pres­ence. I’ve got three girls that do this. one in my mon­day anthro class, one in my tuesday/thursday anthro class, and one on the cross-coun­try team. i say every­one in the world has this, although i tru­ly only know that this par­a­digm exists for me. it hurts because they are too much of every­thing for me. espe­cial­ly too good. per­haps my self-esteem is too low or too skewed. i think i am attrac­tive enough, but i do not think any­one else thinks so. my per­son­al self-esteem is fine, my social self-esteem is neg­li­gi­ble. ain’t no thang but a chick­en wing, right?