i don’t want to write any­thing today. so here are some song lyrics. what do they make you think about or feel like or what do you think they mean? actu­al­ly just say any­thing about them that you want, i’m inter­est­ed.

Soft now- the lips that dragged me down
Soft now- until I hit the ground
The night is soft
The light is soft
And i don’t want to wear this off- tonight
Sleep alone- seems to me
The virus bleeds

Soft now- she played her love scenes well soft now-
Should have sensed the sul­phur smell
Soft­en the blow
Fin­ger to tongue tongue to fin­ger
Hon­ey smear
Fin­ger to tongue tongue to fin­ger
Soft­en the blow

Machines of Lov­ing Grace, The Soft Col­li­sion