The Wolf Moon was a few days ago, and around that time I received two unso­licit­ed text mes­sages from dif­fer­ent women. I’m enough of a fish­er­man to know bait when I see it. I received one the month before on the Cold Moon, and the month pri­or to that, on the Beaver Moon, one of these women sud­den­ly stopped talk­ing to me.

So, I know who one of the folks tex­ting me is, but I have no idea who owns the Texas phone num­ber.

I am not respond­ing to these — although it would be fun in a tox­ic kind of way. If some­one isn’t list­ed in my con­tacts, past me had a rea­son for remov­ing them, and I trust past me.

My best friend says I need to stop talk­ing to women about the moon. I trust her too.