There’s a new page that acts as a cat­a­log of all the block prints, zines, votives, and col­lages I’ve made over the last few years, and will be added to as I make oth­er dumb shit in the future. If uhhh you have an inter­est in any of the items let me know and I’ll send you one. (I’m speak­ing to the per­son who prob­a­bly isn’t read­ing this since I dis­cour­age search engines and prob­a­bly can’t fig­ure out how to con­tact me since I don’t have a con­tact sec­tion on here.)

Any­way, kind of dumb of me to choose a hob­by that ends up mak­ing lots of ephemera as the prod­uct, but I enjoy print­ing and writ­ing.

The prints fall into over­lap­ping cat­e­gories, the first essays into the craft were just based on some poems I’d writ­ten. Then I was read­ing up on chi­rono­mia (gang signs used by orga­nized reli­gions, et al. through­out the ages) and end­ed up get­ting friends to send me pho­tos of their hands. This includes mid­dle fin­gers, of course. I also made some eso­teric friends, and that became the Mage Hand series.

Also still try­ing to fig­ure out how to make man­u­al anaglyphs.

The zines are also their own sort of over­lap­ping tan­gents. From pla­ton­ic solids to sex poems to med­i­ta­tions on var­i­ous forms of death tied to the pre­cepts of the made-up Kybalion.

I guess I’ve been going through it, but when have I not?

The votives are their own sort of ephemera, and my favorite, to be true.