Tag: zines
There’s a new page that acts as a catalog of all the block prints, zines, votives, and collages I’ve made over the last few years, and will be added to as I make other dumb shit in the future. If uhhh you have an interest in any of the items let me know and I’ll send you one. (I’m speaking to the person who probably isn’t reading this since I discourage search engines and probably can’t figure out how to contact me since I don’t have a contact section on here.)
Anyway, kind of dumb of me to choose a hobby that ends up making lots of ephemera as the product, but I enjoy printing and writing.
The prints fall into overlapping categories, the first essays into the craft were just based on some poems I’d written. Then I was reading up on chironomia (gang signs used by organized religions, et al. throughout the ages) and ended up getting friends to send me photos of their hands. This includes middle fingers, of course. I also made some esoteric friends, and that became the Mage Hand series.
Also still trying to figure out how to make manual anaglyphs.
The zines are also their own sort of overlapping tangents. From platonic solids to sex poems to meditations on various forms of death tied to the precepts of the made-up Kybalion.
I guess I’ve been going through it, but when have I not?
The votives are their own sort of ephemera, and my favorite, to be true.